How Do You Know When You’re Ready to Query?

by Kristen Weber

It can feel like you’ve been writing and revising your manuscript forever. But eventually it’s time to step away from your computer and start a process that can seem even more daunting than writing your book. Finding an agent.

Before you start submitting your manuscript to agents, you should have at least three or four unbiased readers critique it. It’s impossible to see your own work for what it really is. It’s like walking past the same spot in your house one hundred times before you realize your spouse moved a chair that always used to be there. You might even try to sit on it! That’s why you need to call in fresh eyes to help you. Ideally those readers will be familiar with published books that are similar to yours and can offer constructive comments that aren’t formed by their own opinions of what your work should be. You don’t need to make all of their changes, of course, but ideally they’ll offer feedback that helps you see your book in a new way.

After you make all of those revisions, you should put your manuscript away for as long as you can stand it. The point is to give yourself a break so you can come back refreshed for one final read.

After you have the perfect manuscript, you can start the submission process. I recommend trying five agents or so at first and seeing what kind of reaction you get. You don’t want to try all of your dream agents immediately and then have someone point out a tremendous flaw in your manuscript you might have missed.

It’s very important to hear what people are saying to you as you submit and be ready to make changes to your work. Rejection does not mean you should automatically publish independently, unless that is your ultimate dream. Instead it might mean that you need to call in a professional editor to help you get to the bottom of what is keeping you from publication. And then - even if you decide to publish independently - at least you’ll know you're going out with the very best product possible.



Kristen Weber is an independent book editor specializing in commercial fiction. You can learn more about the services she offers here.

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